Blogger news

29 diciembre 2009

Samsung Corby S3650

The Samsung Corby S3650 is a low-cost, attractive and lightweight touchscreen phone with a certain appeal, but it has a strange choice of name

Palm Pre Vs. iPhone 3G

Putting the Palm Pre and the Apple Phone head to head.

Motorola DEXT con MOTOBLUR

MOTOROLA DEXT el primer teléfono con vida social llega a España.Demostración de las habilidades sociales del nuevo teléfono DEXT con intervención estelar de Dani Mateo (Se Lo Que hicistéis).

Nokia N97 Mini - Unboxing

Noah checks out Nokia's N97 Mini - the little brother to the trainwreck that is the N97. Can a smaller form factor and redesigned QWERTY board make the mini a winner? Check it out.

26 diciembre 2009

25 diciembre 2009

Unboxing the "Nokia" O1 (Fake 7705)

A well made fake if the 7705

Into Tomorrow Update: 12-25-09

Have you ever lost your cell phone, laptop bag or camera? We have a new product called nio that might just keep your valuables where they belong. Also featuring: This Week in Tech History with Chris Graveline. Distributed by Tubemogul.

Ataque de Pánico! (Panic Attack!) 2009

Lo que la magia de la computadora puede lograr con la imaginación y determinación del hombre como combustible.